Friday, July 25, 2008

Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR)

Although the test won't be for a few weeks, according to Wikipedia, Harper has a 70% of having VUR. I'm guessing the percentage is higher because Harper has now had two UTIs in a very short time span. VUR occurs because of the insufficient subtmucosal length of the ureter relative to its diameter. This just means the fluid waste in her body can back up because a valve in her body isn't sealing properly, and this defect causes frequent infection. There are 5 grades of VUR and for grades I and II there is approximately an 85% chance that the problem will resolve itself as one gets bigger and the submucosal ureters grows longer. If that doesn't happen or if she has a more severe grade she will have to undergo surgery to correct the problem. In the meantime she will most likely be put on low dose antibiotics to keep the infection at bay and we will have to take her to a urologist periodically to monitor Harper. The monitoring process is not pleasant at all, although I will probably cry more than Harper. If Harper indeed has VUR, than I pray we get this all resolved before her long term memory kicks in. Please say a little prayer for her. For now we are just greatful this is all we have to deal with. It could be much, much worse.


betsey said...

Poor Harper! Don't worry, she won't remember this at all...but it is really hard for you and Tom!!! You guy are of course in our prayers!

Jan said...

Poor sweetie! I'll say prayers for her and for you and Tom! Hopefully it will resolve as she grows!

Sharifa and Mohammed said...

Don't worry about many kids have it and do fine! I know its hard not to worry when its your child but really, she will be fine!