Tuesday, August 12, 2008

why I'm wishing Harper was a little bit more fussy

Note: this is not Harper, it is her evil twin who has less hair...

I ran across an interesting article today on www.msnbc.com that talked about the current parenting culture and the vast number of resources out there which claim to know the best way to parent a child. It goes on to saw that these resources don't really account for genetic predispositions which may cause our children who we are so diligently training to act in a completely different way than we are expecting them to based on what "experts" have said.

It was this little segment that caught my attention:

"One of the strongest and most counterintuitive findings in this nascent field is that children with a sweet temperament, which is under strong genetic control, are the least likely to emulate their parents and absorb the lessons they teach, while fussy kids are the most likely to do so."

Now I'm not so certain I'm happy that Harper is such a "good baby"...

Read the rest of the article here:

1 comment:

Jan said...

Harper is herself, no matter what. And we love her. I wouldn't pay too much attention to stories like these. There are so many other factors that enter into development. Not to say that ignoring some pre-dispositions isn't a good thing. For example, the child of an alcoholic would do well to stay away from liquor. But I'm sure you and Tom will be great parents. And Harper has a great spirit. She will be just fine.