Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funny things that Harper does

When Tom comes home from work every day, I usually share a story with him about something funny that Harper did that day. I thought I'd post a few of them.
A few days ago I was getting Harper some water and when I went to put the lid on her cup, I spilled some water on the floor. Harper tends to get upset when something is out of its place, so she pointed at the water and started saying "uh-oh." I hastily wiped up the water with a towel and walked into the next room for a minute. When I came back, Harper had taken some rags out from under the sink and was on her hands and knees cleaning up the remaining water.

Harper seems to prefer doing sign language to talking and will almost never say what we are trying to get her to say. But a few days ago I turned off a light switch and said "dark," and she repeated the word. Now every time I turn off a light she says "dark." It's probably the least useful word she could learn at this point, but I guess it's progress.

On Tuesday we went to Costco and, among other things, I got a carton of eggs. When we got home I was carrying Harper and the eggs up the stairs from our garage and she kept trying to grab them so I told her that they were "Mommy's." When we got upstairs she walked straight over to the recycling bin, pulled out an empty egg carton, brought it to me, and said "Mommy's."


Judy said...

What? A child of Tom's who doesn't speak? Unbelievable! She's fooling you. She can speak in paragraphs, but just hasn't let you in on that secret yet.

Tom said...

the signing is so cute I hesitate to teach her to verbalize her communication...there is nothing more amusing than a toddler under two who is vigorously signing "want" over and over...

April Celeste Garff said...

Harper is so funny, I love these stories! Writing them down will be great because you can share them with her when she is older and embarass her in front of her friends. Hopefully William will crack us up with his own antics in a few years too.

Jan said...

How did she learn to sign? I guess this means she's already bi-lingual? These are great stories....

Shelly and Ken said...

I love kids at this age they are so cute and funny. I have to agree that baby signing is so cute.

I was catching up on my blog reading tonight so this is a little delayed but I still wanted to say congratulations. Hope you are feeling ok Erika. How exciting to be adding another little cutie to your fam.

Doris said...

You know Einstein didn't talk until he was 4 or 5. It is thought that he spent all that formative time thinking things instead. That thinking power paid off in future years. So, hang on.
Teach her a few more signs. Try, "I want to go to bed." That is the best thing any child can say.