Sunday, July 31, 2011


Yep, Harper gave me a black eye. She was sitting in my lap and we were reading a story. She leaned forward, and then shot backward right into my face.
I got some funny looks at church this morning.

I would certainly never wish harm on my child, but later that day we were at a friend's birthday party and Harper collided with someone in the bounce house and ended up with a bruise in the exact same place.

Speaking of that birthday party, we got to celebrate our friend Jacob's 4th birthday yesterday. We have known these guys since we first moved to LA. We have a few families in our ward that we knew from UCLA and I am so glad that we have all remained friends. The guys get together for movie nights and we all get together for birthdays and playgroups.
Today marks our 5th anniversary of moving to Los Angeles. I haven't lived this long in one place for a long time. I was at BYU for 4 years and before that I lived in Salt Lake for 3 years. I lived in Texas until I was 15, but that was so long ago that LA has really started to feel like home to me. I know there are some haters out there, but I really love living here.

Ok, enough about that. We have done a few other things recently. Last Saturday we went to a Pioneer Day Celebration at church. They had some fun activities for the kids.

Harper has really started to look so grown up yesterday. Most days she insists on having ponytails, but the other day she agreed to leave her hair down and she looked so old!
I gave the kids Oreos the other day for the first time. Harper was so excited that there was a cookie that had frosting inside (she inherited my love of frosting). Jonah just loves cookies.

In my last post I mentioned that my Grandma had a stroke. Well, she actually had another stroke last Saturday (on her 77th birthday) and she is doing okay but this stroke has caused some speech issues. My Grandma is so much fun and I have always really looked up to her. The memories I have of her are all of us laughing together.
I wanted to do something for my Grandma since I couldn't be there to see her, so I started sewing this after my Mom called to tell me about the second stroke. I started on Saturday night and mailed it out Monday afternoon. It is certainly not perfect, but I hope that she likes it and gets better soon :)


Bob said...

It is nice to be able to be in one place for awhile and develop a history with a group of people.

kara t. said...

I talked to Grandma on Saturday and she was in great spirits, although she was getting a little frustrated. She told me that you made something nice for her but she couldn't remember what it was called. She mentioned it about 5 times.

Harper looks like her hair could use a shape up :)

Jan said...

Better a shiner than a broken tooth! One of my coworkers had a similar incident, only her tooth was chipped pretty badly.

The kids are growing up so fast!