Saturday, September 02, 2006

Another Week

We are starting to get into the school/work routine. Tom is keeping up with his classes pretty well and I am enjoying my job. I found out this week that I will be "hired on" to the UCLA system sometime in September which means that I will get a $2/hour raise and medical, dental, and vision benefits. I am very excited because it takes between 1 and 6 months to get "hired on," depending on how much they like you, and it looks like it will only take me one month.

Bob, Judy, Sam, and Andrew came and visted last Thursday. We gave them the brief apartment tour, walked around Westwood for a little while, and enjoyed a wonderful meal.

Other than that we're not up to much. We're both pretty tired and ready for a three day weekend (although I'm working for four hours on Monday . . . ). Here are a couple pictures. The first is of Tom's flip-flop tan. He walks to class every day (it's about 20 minutes each way) and has developed quite an impressive tan. The second is of me holding my first paycheck which I received last Saturday.

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