Wednesday, November 12, 2008

this is pretty much how today went

We have had a cranky little girl lately. For the past three or four days she hasn't been sleeping well at night, she doesn't want to eat baby food, and she is upset most of the day. I thought maybe she was teething, but we haven't seen any teeth yet. Despite her mood, she has now learned how to roll over from her back to her stomach (even though she hates doing it) and she will only roll over if she sees something that she really wants (usually the remote control or one of her shoes).

But she's so cute I can't get too sad about her cranky behavior. Look at this cheesy grin she gave me earlier today:


Jan said...

I guess we all have our days! She's so cute, even when she's cranky!

The Thomases said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so glad that you said that because Emma has been the exact same way!! She woke up 5, yes 5, times last night!!! I don't know what the deal is either. It may be teething. Emma has gotten 2 bottom teeth, but I'm thinking it also may be a growth spurt or something. Who knows!

Samantha said...

I don't think that outfit could be any cuter. So. Cute.

I think all babies go through that stuff, Zara sure has. It gets different when they start walking, I think. Slightly different challenges, but they grow out of some things it seems.

I love her face in the first pic on the 2nd row of that block- she's like, "How dare you continue photographing me when I'm starting to get upset?!?!?!"

Anonymous said...

These are the times when you say, "If only she could talk and tell me what is wrong!"