This is something that I have been thinking about lately. Tom and I actually have several similar features: we both have dark brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. We're both about the same height. But who knows what recessive genes could show up. Tom and his brother both have dark hair, but his sisters both have lighter hair. All of my siblings have some variation of red hair and Tom's dad has (well, had) red hair and we both have sisters who have blue eyes. Here are a few pictures (the first two are of me, the second two are of Tom) of what Baby Jackman could potentially look like (click the photo to view a larger image):

Well, regardless she will be the cutest baby ever so I guess speculation won't do me any good. I will, however, be ok if she is spared my ears and Tom's cankles:

Tom would not let me take a picture of his cankles. Sorry.
I always think the best looking babies are when the parents have similar features so according to me she will be beautiful even if she does have your ears or Tom's cankles.
What's a cankle??
She will be the most beautiful baby ever!
Adorable! Erica I love the pictures of you as a baby! All that hair! I love it!
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