Monday, August 18, 2008

appointment update

This morning Harper and I saw a pediatric urologist about her kidney reflux problem. The doctor confirmed that she has reflux on the left side and she said it is around a grade 2 (out of 5) problem. Normally, this grade of reflux would correct itself, but Harper's situation is complicated by the fact that she has a duplicated system (she has two ureters instead of one). The doctor said there is about a 50% chance that the problem will just go away. In the mean time Harper is taking antibiotics every day as a preventative measure and we will be seeing the urologist in six months for some more testing. If the problem doesn't correct itself, or if Harper has breakthrough infections, she will either need surgery to correct the problem or she will undergo a non-surgical procedure (I'm not sure on the details). I was very relieved to find out that the problem isn't too severe and is only causing minimal swelling in her kidney.
p.s. You can check out Harper's photo on a blog called Z Recommends by clicking here. I got an email asking if they could use her photo for post they were wanting to make.


betsey said...

Glad to hear that Harper is okay, although sounds like it is a bit of a waiting game huh? She is so beautiful, and I love the hint of read in her hair. I'm sure it is more pronounced in person!

The Thomases said...

I really hope she doesn't have to go through the surgery or the non-surgery (that is confusing). Hopefully it will just clear up on its own. Things tend to have a way of working themselves out.

Jan said...

So - good news and bad..... Well - is the doctor concerned about her building up an immunity to antibiotics? That's my only real concern right now......

Ryan + Jess said...

Wow - good to know for sure what is going on. That can be so scary! Hopefully it will just go away and all will be well!!

BTW, love your new blog header. Very cute.