Friday, February 01, 2008

Happy 24th Yesterday!

Yesterday was Erica's birthday as some of you may know. I tried to treat her like the queen she is by getting up early to make her breakfast. I stayed late at school to ride the bus home with her after work and then we topped the evening off by trying a new place to eat, an Indian restaurant which reminded me of one of those little special places that locals frequent but nobody else would give a second look. I thought it was pretty dang good and enjoyed eating some new spices and flavors. The jack fruit and Indian cheese dishes were especially tasty. Saturday some people from Irell are taking us out to eat at a "nice" place called Crustaceans. We decided to eat cheap last night so we could save up our pretentiousness and have that on the firm's budget.

p.s. as you can see in the post below (well if you check the blog tonight) only 85 days to go until Project: Baby comes to fruition. Crazy.


Jan said...

Sounds like ya'll have fun on Erica's birthday! Hope you have fun this weekend, too!

The Thomases said...

Happy birthday Erica! Glad you were treated like a queen.

As far as baby names go, we're thinking Emma or Kate, but most likely Emma. A little popular right now, but I've always loved it. Even before Rachel (from friends) named her baby that. Boo on Rachel.

Tom said...

If only my brother hadn't already laid claim to that name...

betsey said...

Good job Tom for Spoiling Erica! She deserves it! Happy Birthday, hope 24 is great!