Sunday, April 20, 2008

new sit-com coming out this tuesday!

So I've had this weird sensation that's been building lately. Being the youngest I never actually saw any of my siblings get born. Actually, I've never even been in the presence of a child birthing process or seen a newly minted baby (although I think we heard the screams of a woman in labor when we at the hospital a few weeks ago for the baby flipping attempt).
This compares with the fact that I've seen babies being born on TV (sadly) dozens of times, in every form, fashion, and setting imaginable. There is something about the highly manipulated presentation you get when you watch something on television (or in a movie) that completely distances you from the thing which is occurring. I mean, if I actually saw someone get hit by a car I hope it would get more out of me than a brief grimace.
So here I am about to experience this massively massive event for myself and I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to feel. Like that one guy from that one show or that other guy from that other show? I'm sure the feelings will take care of themselves on the appointed day, but standing in the way of them are all the experiences of those I've seen faked or manipulated, making it hard for me just let the day happen. It's almost like I'm staring in an episode of "The World of Tom" and while I may be the director, I have all these previous shows I've seen telling how I should "shoot" the show.


The Thomases said...

Good luck on Tuesday! I'll be thinking about you and hoping that all is going well. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

And once you've been through it, you'll talk about it and compare notes with other women for the rest of your life, just like the men talk about their missions.
We can't wait to see Thomasina!

Jan said...

Tom, I have every confidence that you'll be absolutely terrific - just as Erica will.

You'll all be in my prayers! Can't wait to see pictures!!!!!!